CHRISTMAS AT ST. NINIAN’S Click on Christmas Gallery 2013 for more images of Christmas at St. Ninian’s CHRISTINGLE SERVICE – CHRISTMAS EVE At 4pm on Christmas Eve excited children, with their parents, gathered for a Christingle Service. This was lead by helpers form the Sunday School and the significance of the Christingle was explained. Then lit Christingles were handed out and as the lights were dimmed everyone joined together in singing the much loved carol, Away in a Manager.
CONGREGATIONAL NATIVITY – SUNDAY 22nd DECEMBER Members of the congregation, young and old, took part in the Nativity Play. Many months of planning including rehearing the songs and scenery painting had taken place which resulted in a splendid performance in the church on the Sunday before Christmas.
For more pictures please follow the link to the Congregational Nativity 2013 Gallery. LIGHT UP A LIFE SERVICE 2013 St Ninian’s played host to the annual Light up a Life Service organised by Troon Friends of the Ayrshire Hospice on Wednesday 4th December. This is an opportunity for people to remember a departed loved one as the season of Christmas approaches and light a candle in their memory.
CHRISTMAS FAIR – SATURDAY 30th NOVEMBER The annual Christmas Fair took place in the Church Hall on 30th November and a total of £2250 was raised of which 25% will go to Care & Share Ayr, a charity for the homeless set up by the Riverside church in Ayr. Thanks are expressed to everyone who helped with the Fair or came along to support it. Photos of the Fair are available in the Christmas Fair 2013 Gallery.
The Fellowship Coffee Morning held on Friday 25th October raised £378 for their charity, The Dumbarton London Corner Nursery School in the Gambia. A big thank you to everyone who supported it in any way.
HARVEST FESTIVAL – SUNDAY 6TH OCTOBER 2013 Donations were brought to church for the local Foodbank, Backpacks for Mary’s Meals, and home-grown produce to be sold and the money raised from all these items as well as the proceeds for a wonderful Harvest Lunch was given to Mary’s Meals. A total of £425 was donated on the day. The church looked wonderful with all the floral decorations which were later distributed to the sick, housebound and bereaved. Please click here to view pictures as a slideshow.
WHITHORN PILGRIMAGE – SATURDAY 28th SEPTEMBER On Saturday 28th September a party of thirty two gathered at the church at 8.30am for the start of their Pilgrimage to Whithorn.
After a simple Prayer Service the bus left for it’s journey south along the Ayrshire coast and through Galloway to the town of Whithorn. Following a second short service of prayers some of the group left to journey to St Ninian’s Cave. From the car park the walk took them down to the shore and across a pebbly beach to the cave.
After spending some minutes there absorbing the atmosphere of the cave, thought to be where Ninian retreated and where pilgrims have gathered through the ages, they made their way back to the bus and Whithorn.
During the afternoon some of the group visited Isle of Whithorn and the ruins of a 13th century Pilgrims Chapel before everyone came together again at the Priory Church where, with the blessing of the Minister, they gathered for a service of communion.
The return journey started with a supper at the Bladnoch Inn before the bus made it’s way back to Troon. The day ended with a simple Prayer Service and everyone departed for their homes, tired but happy.
Fejes Quartet gave another excellent concert at St Ninian’s with music from Haydn, Respighi and Verdi.
The 2013 Holiday Club organised jointly with Portland Church and also many young helpers from Seagate Church, was a great success. The theme this year was Space Academy and over the whole week a total of 110 children attended, averaging around 75 each day. The morning session was held at Portland Church where the children sang, danced and joined in Team Games. They listened to the story of Daniel and were enthralled each day by a Drama set on a Space Ship. In the afternoon they walked to St Ninian’s to eat their picnic lunches in the grounds and take part in games and craft activities. They were blessed with good weather and were all so sad when it came to an end, but maybe the Leaders and Helpers were more relieved! One very important factor of this Holiday Club is the huge amount of effort put into it by all the Troon Churches and without this ecumenical participation the Club would not be possible.
Amidst glorious sunny weather St Ninian’s held a Plant Sale and Afternoon Teas on Saturday 8th June to raise money for the Memorial Pathway. A total in excess of £550 was raised and plenty of plants were on offer and delicious teas were served in the Hall.
Sukhita Child is a charity, based in Glasgow, which raises money to help children and families in Sri Lanka. This year they chose St Ninian’s as the base for their Annual Cycle Ride. Over 30 cyclists of all ages set off from the church grounds and cycled along the Nation Cycle Path to either Prestwick or Ayr, whichever they thought they could manage. Despite the rather wet day they all enjoyed the BBQ on their return. A total in excess of £2,500 was raised for the charity.
Some members of the congregation at St Ninian’s recently visited our linked parish in the Diocese of Gothenburg. They had been invited to take part in the Ascension Day Pilgrimage, a 13km walk between the churches at Ljungsarp and Ölsremma. The walk through forests and open farmland was punctuated with stops for prayers and readings from the Bible and a picnic breakfast in a barn, the first part of the walk being undertaken in silence. At Ölsremma a delicious soup lunch was served followed by a service of Holy Communion. Throughout the weekend they enjoyed the hospitality of the people of the Pastorate.
On Sunday 28th April St Ninian’s played host to Messy Church when over 80 parents and children joined together in the hall for food, fun and fellowship around the theme of Noah. This was part of the Troon Churches Together joint Messy Church programme aimed at parents with young children providing an opportunity for those who find it difficult to come to church on Sunday mornings, giving them time once a month to meet in an informal environment that is child-friendly.
CONGREGATIONAL WHIT LUNCH A Congregation Lunch was held on Pentecost Sunday to raise money for the Memorial Pathway. A total of £390 was raised and a lovely buffet lunch enjoyed by all.
Click on Easter 2013 Gallery to see more images of Easter at St. Ninian’s
Since last September the Fellowship have been fund raising from CLIC Sargent. At the AGM on Tuesday 19th March they handed a cheque for £3,784 to Billy Herd from the charity. Money had been raised by two Coffee Mornings, a Bridge Drive and also £1,830 from the Boxing Day Dip and £505 from a Sponsored Walk from the Church to Malcolm Sargent House in Prestwick.
The children of the Sunday School made flowers to decorate the church on Mothering Sunday and poses of Spring Flowers were handed to the ladies in the congregation. But less than Spring-like weather greeted the congregation as they left the church!